Saturday, 9 May 2015

Makanan untuk Bayi 8 Bulan ke atas - Ibu, Hebat kan

21:27 Posted by SUCCESS No comments
Semalam Adnin check up 8 bulan. Berat naik 200g je since last check up (2 bulan lepas). Ini agak membimbangkan. Berat Adnin sekarang ialah 6.8kg sahaja. Nampaknya kena start bagi makanan berlemak pada Adnin. 8 bulan dah boleh makan yang bertumis. Tambah minyak, cheese dan apa-apa saja yang sesuai dengan umur dia. Selain tu ibu kena konsisten consume vitalea & ESP sebab penyusuan susu ibu masih diteruskan!
Di bawah ni adalah hasil kajian ibu untuk sediakan menu makan Adnin during the weekend!
So.. jangan malas-malas ya bu! Balik nanti boleh singgah pasar tani atau esok pagi kita gi pasar borong jom!
Nasihat daripada Wholesomebabyfood:

Bring on some spices (8 months old)

and softly mashed, or chopped into fine pieces, fruits, vegetables, meats, pasta and dairy such as yogurt and cheeses.
Pasta, veggies, and fruit should all be soft cooked and possibly mashed with a fork or masher. (Bananas need only be mashed.)
Meats and proteins such as egg yolk, should be cooked and pureed or chopped into small soft bits.  If offering Tofu, you need not cook it first. 
Remember, your baby will not have molars until sometime around the 12-18 month age range so all foods should be easily mashed between the gums.

How much will your 8 month - 10 month old baby eat?

Your 8 to 10 month old baby may seem to be starving herself at some point. Because you are likely offering her more finger food selections or thicker/chunkier foods, the amount of food eaten appears smaller.
At this stage, your baby may be eating 3 "meals" a day and possibly enjoying a snack or 2 in between.
There are some babies in this age range who will still be eating only 1 "meal" of solids so don't feel pressured to have your baby eat 3 solid food meals per day. The important thing is to watch your baby's hunger cues and and try to begin setting a schedule for 3 meals a day. Offer him a balanced array of foods - fruits, veggies, a protein & a grain if possible and ensure his nursing or formula feedings are adequate.
Visit the Baby Menu to see an idea of some meals for this age range.

What to Eat at 8 to 10 Months of Age?

AGE/Sanak demam panasE - 8 months - 10 months old
The AAP recommends that an infant not be started on solid foods until after 6 months of age. Many pediatricians still start babies on solids around 4 months of age.  This chart accommodates all ages and stages up to 12 months.

Try mixing together the grains that your baby has had without any reaction(s). Begin offering breads and muffins when baby has mastered mashing more textured foods. Pasta makes for great finger foods.

Begin making your own fruit combinations once baby has had several fruits without any reaction(s). Venture into Papaya and Melon Swirl. After 8 months old you may wish to try offering raw ripe fruits. Soft cooked fruits make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods.

Soft cooked veggies make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods. Try mixing up a veggie medley now.  Add some grated cheese for extra temptation & yumminess. Saute or roast some onions or peppers to add to baby's food or serve as finger foods. Make a Leek and Chicken Potato Mash.
Once your baby has reached 8 months old, try an Egg Yolk Omelet  the perfect chance to slip in some veggies.

Get adventurous with Cheeses and Yogurts now. Soft Cheeses such as Brie pose health risks so hold off on those. Avocado mashed with a bit of cream cheese YUM. 

*Note: Better guna cheddar cheese yang block instead of yang slice sebab yang blok kurang masin. So bila nak guna just sagat.

Ok.. dah ada guideline, mesti bersemangat nak masak-masak kan? Jom cuba beberapa resepi yg saya dapat dari page fb Homemade food for baby HDAE

Beberapa resepi mudah dan kelihatan yummy untuk dicuba!

Resipi: Bubur Ayam McD versi Homemade
Umur sesuai : 8 bulan
Sumbangan Pn Marlina Cweet


  • Isi Ayam rebus (carik2)
  • Air ayam td simpan utk masuk bubur
  • lobak merah(cincang halus)
  • Bawang goreng 
  • Daun bawang (cincang halus)
  • Stok ayam
  • lada putih (halus)- cikit
  • halia ( nt dh msk buang)


- Semua bahan dimasukk
an sekali dlm bubur yg dh msk td kecuali bwg goreng n daun bawang

- Siap utk dimkn.. Sedap mmg sama mcm mcd.. Klu utk bb rs tawar ckit sbb xde ltk garam.. Tp still ada rasa manis ayam.
Resipi : Bebola ayam
Umur sesuai : 8 bulan ke atas
Sumbangan Pn Marlina Cweet

Bahan2 (bebola)

  • Isi ayam - cincang halus
  • Daun sup-hiris halus
  • Bawang putih-tumbuk halus
  • Serbuk lada putih
  • Tepung ubi-ckit
  • Air ckit
  • Saderi tumbuk halus
  • Stok.ikan bilis (sebagai bhn perasa-masin)

Gaulkan semua bahan. Bentukkan menjadi bebola..Lps tu masak sup masukkan bebola smpi bebola timbul d permukaan sup (tandanya dh msk). Siap utk dihidang.

Boleh jg d goreng..

Resipi: Bubur Nasi Squash Superb
Umur sesuai: 8bulan
Sumbangan Pn Marlina Cweet

Bubur nasi
Bawang besar
Kuning telur (sesudu kecil)
Unsalted butter
Cheese (beqa)
Mixed spices

°kukus butternutsquash ngn kismis.asingkan
°tumis bawang gn unsalted butter,masukkan kuning telur n cauliflower
°masukkan air cikit n cheese cikit

Misi menjadikan Adnin bambam bermula esok! Caiyok!

Sumber: MummyZahra, Homemade Food for HDAE, wholesomefood


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